This weekend we went to Tokorozawa to visit Coco again, we went already on Friday night after a quick visit to Yasaka for dinner. As usual when we arrive in Tokorozawa Coco went crazy. Actually this weekend he was more crazy than usual… The whole weekend. He never wanted to leave Chie’s side. Chie too got crazy so we decide to lock them both in Coco’s cage.
Saturday was raining the whole day. But Sunday was much better. We decide to take Coco to the dog park, which he as usual did not like. Scared as he was he tried to hide behind Chie all the time. Or get away by jumping up on a bench.
In some sense I can understand him. Who would like to have a chain of dogs linked to himself, all of them sniffing the other in the crotch? And all the sissies with their pink and baby blue shoes. And some dogs tried to look cool in their Harley Davidson skin jackets but only managed to look like a scared little… Well, dog.