Going Back to Bangkok

Woke up early to catch the ferry back to Koh Samui and then the plane back to Bangkok. But first we had breakfast. And a lot of trouble giving the tip to the very friendly and helpful staff at our hotel. Why was it a trouble?

Well, we asked one of the waiters a few days ago about giving tip in Thailand. He told us that it is becoming more common with tip but that it never goes to the staff but to the owner or manager. So the tick is to give tip to each individual personally and to not make it obvious so that anyone else knows about it.

They also had a tip bowl at the reception, but that goes right down into the owner’s pocket. Which is not quite what you want when you pay tip. We managed to pay a small tip to the people we had most interacted with without being spotted anyway.

We arrived at the Koh Samui airport 3 hours before our flight. So we went to the stand-by counter and put us on a waiting list. While waiting we had something to eat and drink. And then I was called to the stand-by counter, but they only had one seat so I said ‘No thank you’. We flew to Bangkok with our planned flight.

In Bangkok Chie checked in at the Amari airport hotel and then we went into Bangkok for dinner. We first made a short visit to Jim Thompson, famous for their silk work. Then we had dinner at MK Restaurants. Hot pot the Thai way. It was tasty, but not as good as Chie’s.

MK Restaurants MK Restaurants

When we finished dinner it was time to go back to the airport by taxi. I checked in and then we went to Chie’s hotel room for a shower, and talking. Last time to see each other for a while.

At 11 pm we walked back to the airport to send me to Sweden – Chie’s flight was early the next morning in the opposite direction (to Tokyo). Bye for a while.

When I was waiting in line to pass the customs a small girl in line next to mine threw up. She just stood there and uruurgh, here whole stomach came up. And her German father sounded angry. Poor girl, I think if she could choose she would not have thrown up at all.

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