Flea Market for Tohoku

Yesterday we helped out preparing for the flea market for Tohoku. It was in Naka-Meguro again, same place as the last time. Today we packed all the things that we could not sell in boxes and bags… For next moth’s flea market. This time we made 480000 JPY (~41000 SEK).

Shipped from Amazon to Kobuchihama and Fukukiura

Today we used some of the money we collected for Kobuchihama and Fukukiura to order various needed things from Amazon. You can find the details here.

Flea Market for Tohoku

This weekend we have another flea market for the Tohoku area. This time we have a rental space in Naka-Meguro. Chie and I went there in the morning to help setting everything up.

Even though it was a lot of work it went quite fast as there was a lot of people helping out. We also had some time to play around.

Volunteer Dinner

A work colleague from Chie’s office and her kids have joined forces with us in Ishihara-san’s network of volunteers. Today we delivered packages for the Project “Christmas” to Ishihara-san. Once we were done we continued to Yasaka for dinner together.

At Yasaka we had tori-yaki until we could eat no more, and then we had ice cream from Baskin-Robin. It was all very yummy.

Between eating we had a chance to talk with the kids – around 10 (boy) and 6 (girl) years old. They are such nice kids – once they heard Chie was doing volunteer work after the earthquake and tsunami they also wanted to help in some way. So they started collecting money at their school and bought cookies for the kids in Kobuchihama and Fukukiura. They also donated their old bike, first bringing it up to their bathroom to clean it by themselves.

It was a very nice time. At 9 pm Shio-chan was getting tired so we decided the dinner was at and we all went home.

Project “Christmas”

The last 2 weeks we have been busy supporting Project “Christmas”. This is Ishihara-san’s latest support to Kobuchihama and Fukukiura. The goal is that everyone in the network in Kobuchihama and Fukukiura should get at least 1 Christmas gift.

You can find details at the Tohoku Donation pages.