Business Trip to Sweden

This week I spent flying between Sweden and Japan. I also had time to some meetings at our Lund office, but it felt like a mostly traveled between time zones.

But I had time to meet some friends in the evenings for dinner. Josef and his family on Wednesday night, finished with a walk along the sea back to the hotel. Calle and his family on Thursday night, finished with a drive by Slatan’s house in Malmö.

Dinner with Josef

No workshop today but a few meetings. So the day was busy. In the afternoon I got a ride back to Malmö with Josef. On the way back to Malmö we agreed to have dinner together with his wife (Caroline).

For the second time we tried to have dinner at the Thai boat, but it seems to always be closed. We went to the Italian restaurant VESPA instead and had a nice pizza with salad. Afterwards we each bought an ice cream at a nearby Italian ice cream bar. Yummy!

Workshop Dinner

The workshop continued today. I was much more tired than yesterday, which was actually surprisingly OK. But today I had to fight to stay away, which meant I could not concentrate 100% on the workshop.

Afterwards we went to Kulturen Östarp. It is an old farm from 16th century, and a restaurant. The food was really good.

Dinner with Andreas

I am doing a short visit to Sweden for business. The whole day was workshop and tomorrow will be the same. But tonight I had a chance to see Andreas (who lived in Tokyo for 2 years) and his wife (Stina).

They showed me their new house – a huge one. And then we had dinner at Brunnsgatan. Yummy!

Day Trip Around Malmö

Rented a car today and drove around Malmö. Actually I was reading the map and did no driving the whole day. We passed through Falsterbo, stopped in Skanör and drove to the most southern tip of Sweden in Smygehuk.

Then we continued to Ystad where everything was closed except Max hamburgers, where had lunch. Then we drove back to Malmö and passed through Rosengård where Zlatan grew up.

Once back at the hotel Robert and I went to the basement for some weight training and sauna. Then some dinner and relaxing before going to bed.