Visiting Coco

On Saturday morning Chie and I drove to Tokorozawa for another visit to Coco the dog. The weather was lovely so I had wonderful walks with Coco both Saturday and Sunday.

Blue sky and plum blossom

After we have walked Coco is usually very tired, and crawls up in someones lap to sleep. Or, his favourite place, is as a neck warmer when you are sitting in the reclining chair. Sometimes he just sits in the lap and tries to stay awake… His eyes slowly closing, popping up, closing, opening, closing and then not really managing to open again. 🙂


On Sunday we were quite lucky. Chie had been to the grocery store while I was taking Coco for a walk. When we got back and it was time to start preparing for dinner we realised something was missing from the shopping list so I had to go and get it. I jumped into the car and… It did not start. Battery was dead. This may not seem so lucky, but it was because the gas station was still open so we called them and they dropped by to start the car. We kept it running for an hour so when we was returning to Tokyo the battery had enough power to get us going.

The lucky part is that if we had not missed out on the shopping list then we would not have started the car until we were to return to Tokyo. At that time basically every place in Tokorozawa that could charge a battery would have been closed. So lucky us that we forget things 🙂

Flower Time

Today was a little bit less warm than yesterday. Still enough hot to walk in flip-flop, shorts and t-shirt. Just as I did last night at 8 pm.

Anyway, Coco and I went for a longer walk. First stop was a vending machine where I bought some water for Coco and me. Though I ended up drinking most of it since Coco seems to refuse to drink any other water than Evian. Spoiled.

Flowers of all kind is starting to show up everywhere. Coco don’t seems to notice. But I do. And my camera does.

You may wonder what the Audi is doing besides the flowers? The simple explanation is that it is Chie’s new car, but more important is that the number plate is her birthday… November 13. About 20 years or so ago 😉