New Year’s Day+

In one of the first days of the new year we go to a shrine nor far from where Coco lives. This year was no exception. The only exception was that usually we walk there but the new year started with strong cold winds and we were afraid that Coco would end up like a kite so we took the car instead. We bought tigers to protect us throughout the year.

In the evening we had dinner before returning back to Tokyo.

New Year’s Eve

As usual when we are in Tokorozawa during the New Year’s celebrations we go to the fish market. And as usual the fish market is crowded. It feels a lot like “same procedure as last year James…”, if you know what I mean. But in difference to the same New Year’s show on Swedish TV the fish market is fun… Every year. Though you need sharp elbows 🙂

In the evening we had hand-rolled sushi and crab for dinner (Coco had chicken), while waiting for the new year to arrive.

Going to Tokorozawa for New Year

After making a lot of preparations we finally got off to Tokorozawa to celebrate the new year with Coco. Almost directly after getting to Tokorozawa I took Coco for a walk. We passed a field with horse radish (daikon in Japanese) that looked more like someone had plunged them into the soil than they were growing out of it 🙂

In the evening we all enjoyed shabu-shabu for dinner. Well, Coco had to manage without shabu-shabu, but he got a yummy dog dish instead 😉

Coco the Dog

This weekend we took the car and drove to Tokorozawa. As always an oasis of relaxation from work and most of the rest of the world. Tough news throughout the weekend reminded us of Friday’s events.

Still, it is difficult to not enjoy a wonderful day walking with Coco the dog in the sun. And though it is difficult to capture Coco on a photo he is cute as pie. You just have to take me on my work on that 🙂

The plum trees also have started to bloom, not to be confused with the cherry blossom (sakura) that still have a month or so left. But who can really see (or at least care about) the difference? 😉