Chie and I are moving out of the apartment today. For a few days only we are moving into a hotel in Shinagawa. The reason is that we are renovating the bathroom.


Had the apartment for myself today so what better to do than continue the renovation? I panted the wooden frame around one door and the opening to the kitchen.

Now only the… Rest remain.

May All Your Chri… Frames be White…

Continued the renovation of the window frames today by painting the frames around the balcony doors and around one of the windows. It was a dark wood so I had to paint four layers before it looked good. But it looks quite good if I may say so myself 😈

Oh, flip-flops are still in use for going to and from the gym 😎

End of September… Flip-Flop on!

Went to the gym in the morning. In shorts, flip-flops and t-shirt. It was 28 degrees outside. Like a really good Swedish summer day 😎

After the gym I continued to scrape the paint off of the one of the windows in the living room. The plan is to paint all of the window frames and wood in the apartment white. In due time.