Celebrating the Emperor’s Birthday

Chie and I have a tradition… We usually open all our Christmas gifts on the Emperor’s birthday rather than on the Christmas evening. It’s celebration of the Emperor… Or so we try to convince ourselves 😉

Actually, the 24th is usually a work day here in Japan whereas the 23rd is a national holiday. So it is more convenient to open the gifts on the 23rd rather than the 24th… And we can shorten the agonizing waiting time 😉

Thank you all that have sent gifts to us both physically and otherwise!


After our trip to Roppongi Hills we went to Tokyu store in Naka-Meguro and from there directly to a Yaki-Niku restaurant in Meguro. There we had a great dinner, but as always we eat too much 🙂

I guess tomorrow nobody really wants to be close to us as we ate almost a whole garlic and then some.

Shopping in Roppongi Hills

We went to Roppongi Hills for some shopping today. We took the car as we had some other things to do on the way as well. The big questions when you move around Tokyo in a car is “where do you park?” and that goes for Roppongi Hills as well. Though it was quite easy to find the parking there and it was quite easy to park as well. And quite fun 🙂

Santa Goes Harley

On our way to Roppongi Hills Santa passed us… On a Harley Davidson. I guess the sledge and reindeers are soooo out of fashion this year 😉