Risk Going Down

The risk for after-quakes in the 7+ magnitude level was estimated to 70% directly after the earthquake on Friday and has remained at that level until today, when it was lowered to 40% 🙂

Survival Dinner

What do you eat to survive in Tokyo in the aftermath of earthquakes, tsunamis, and nuclear power plant failures and crises? Bacon and tomato sauce pasta with parmesan cheese and salad is quite OK.

As I wrote earlier, we are doing what we can to keep going as normal as possible. But it feels strange living in luxury like this when you know that not far away there are more than 450,000 people living in shelters with limited food supplies, limited water supplies and with poor sanitary facilities.

Today I tried to donate money to Red Cross via Google, but did not succeed. So tomorrow I am going to my bank to transfer the money to the Japanese Red Cross Society. Please, if you have the means then consider given a donation following any of the above links.

Second mission I have is to do volunteer work. I am looking for the possibility now but have not found anything so far. Sony seems to be planing some volunteer work for employees within the Sony Group so that would be one possibility.

Yet Another One… [Updated]

When I nowadays feel an after-quake I go to the JMA web site. We have already had a few today. One at around 12:45. So I went to the JMA web site… And found that they must have gotten tired there because the data there has not been updated since 12:27 today :-O

[Update 13:45] OK, they seems to have had their coffee break and are back online 🙂

Fukushima #1 an Update

There is now a fear that Fukushima Daiichi (#1) Reactor #3 has a damaged containment vessel. This may have been caused by whatever caused the smoke earlier today.

The information seems to change by the minute. For instance, new information say that radiation leakage topped 10 mSv per hour a short period of time this morning.

Some alarming but very uncertain news is that the 50 workers remaining at the Daiichi plant has been asked to withdraw to a safe area. If that is the case then there is no one left “taking care” about the plant.