Stuck in Stockholm

Started the day slowly and got ready to go to Stockholm. Robert joined us all the way to Uppsala. We checked in at our hotel at the airport before then returning the car. We the. Went into Stockholm for some final shopping. 

Luckily for us our flight was not until the morning after because Arlanda Express had some failure and was stuck in Stockholm. There were a lot of stressed people trying to get on the airport shuttle bus to catch their flights. 

Birthday at the Kolonilott

Saturday and my mother’s birthday. We all visit at her Kolonilott (summer house). My aunt and her family, including one of my cousins and her two daughter’s visited too. Enjoying lunch and coffee/tea… And, a rare occasion during this trip, really nice summer weather.


One of the few sunny mornings. We took the opportunity to visit Bönan and the old lighthouse there. We climbed the 72 stairs to take in the spectacular view of the Gävle archipelago.

in the evening Chie’s health had made a turn to the worse so she got into bed while I had dinner at my father’s place. With my brother Jimmy visiting from Stockholm and my brother Henrik calling in on Skype from Bangkok.

Engeltofta Sea Lodge

We left Kilafors after lunch to arrive at Engeltofta Sea Lodge at around 3 pm. We basically started preparing dinner at once to get ready for our guests, mother and Robert. We had minestrone soup and mustard cream sauce chicken, with sallad, bread and cheese. 

After dinner Robert and I drove our mother back home, and the returned to Engeltofta Sea Lodge to sleep.

Gold Mine

It was raining the whole day, but I tried my new waterproof membrane clothes that I bought in Stockholm and took a walk in the forest. Or should I say gold mine. It was full of golden chanterelles. I picked a handful that we fried in butter for dinner. Yummy!