Billy Goat on Fire

This night I visited a friend in Lexe just outside of Gävle, some of you might know him as Haddock. He had totally renovated his kitchen and got a kid since I last saw him.

On the way home I got a ride from another friend. When we passed the famous billy goat of hay in Gävle it was surrounded by firefighters. The only thing left was a blackened wood skeleton and a lot of smoke.

Gävle's famous billy goat of hay on fire.

A Santa Clause and a gingerbread man had put it on fire some 20 minutes earlier. The method of choice? Fire arrows. And this years billy goat was no longer; it lasted one week.

Manga in Gävle

Today I went to the Gävle downtown. In one of the bookstores I found a shelf full of Manga, Japanese comic magazines.

Manga in Gävle

In Japan you find anyone from those who just learend to read to those old men in business suit on the subway reading them. Of course they are of different kinds, for kids, for small girls, teens, or adults. Some are even educational.