Sakura in Uppsala

After a long trip via Helsinki I finally arrived at the Arlanda airport. From there I took a train to Uppsala.

When I was almost back at my brother’s apartment I saw a fun thing. Sakura. Yes, cherry blossom. I’ve never seen it in Sweden before but here was a few trees in full bloom just like in Japan. The only difference was that there were no people under the trees doing hanami (watching flowers), and drinking alcohol.

Sakura in Uppsala Sakura in Uppsala

Going to Thailand

Had a visit to the new Eurostep office in the early afternoon. We have moved since I went to Tokyo. It was a brief stop to check out the new office and to say hello to all work colleagues.

After that was taken care of I went to Arlanda. My flight to Bangkok, Thailand, was in the night. Via Helsinki. Where I had a few hours to kill. Which I did. Mainly by buying a new Suunto watch and having dinner. Around 11:30 pm I departed from Helsinki’s small international airport.

I had 3 seats byt myself but it was still difficult to sleep. I tried and tried and tried. But woke up every once in a while.


Today I signed a contract and on Monday I start working for Eurostep, a Stockholm based company. On Tuesday I fly to Oslo, Norway, to start working in a project there.

Steelers@Broncos & Burgers

Went to HÃ¥kan to watch the Steelers@Broncos game on TV. Before that we had a big dinner with home made hamburgers and ice cream for dessert.

Patrik was also there but he left early. One part was that he had to wake up early tomorrow and another part was that he was going with Denver and they did not play well. So he left at half time.

Finally Steelers won by 34-17 or something like that.