
About 30 minutes drive from grandmother and John’s summer house my mother and Ulf have their summer house. We went from Eh to Fallet.

When we arrived my mother, Ulf and Robert (my brother) was there to greet us.

In the afternoon we did not do so much. Just talking. Stayed outside in the garden. Though the weather was not so good. Watch Robert use the summer house as his weight training place.

Leg training Shoulder training with pipe Abs training

We also had time to take a walk. Stopping at the lake. Watching some lambs again. And Ulf had time to talk with some of the locals.

Same lake as at grandmother's summer house Chie seeing something in the lake
Lambs Dinner time

In the evening we went to Moheds camping to stay for the night. Mother had rented a cabin for me and Chie and one for Robert. The cabins were not so nice but OK to just spend the night in. And the showers, which was the main reason we went to the camping (the summer house’s well had been flooded in the summer rains so the water was bad) was… Terrible.

We had a bunch of Ukrainian people in the cabins around us. But entering the showers and bathrooms it felt not like the Ukrainians had come to Sweden but that we had gone to Ukraine.

The Ukrainians were true to our image of them… Drinking heavily. I guess picking blueberries and/or kantareller (kind of yellow mushroom) is not fun enough without the alcohol in the evening. It was not so bad though, and I kind of feel sorry for them.

Obviously the life in Ukraine is worse than getting into a old car driving half (at least a quarter) across the world to a foreign country. To slave all day and pick blueberries that will give you a mere 20 SEK a liter in the beginning of the season and only around 8 SEK later on.

Robert felt the Ukrainian was quite scary so he took his skateboard and left in the middle of the night. Riding around in the middle of Hälsingland (= nowhere) until he found his way back to mother’s summer house. While Chie and I slept soundly in our beds next door to drunk Ukrainians.

Leaving Eh

Another morning that we could spend relaxing in the… Well, sun. At least whenever the sun decided to come out from behind the clouds.

Swedish sun bathing

Though that was not too often the morning was pleasant. And relaxing. We spent it reading and talking.

Grandmother, Chie & John having lunch Old wheel

We also had time for lunch before we packed the car and left. For this time.

View from main cabin Chie & Johan's cabin

Eh is a really great place. No people. Big lake. Great grandmother and John 🙂 And nothing to do but relaxing.

Eh… Again

Woke up 5:30 am. Probably caused by the jet lag. Or a full blather? Still managed to sleep again after reading for a while.

Summer house

The weather was surprisingly good today. We spent most of the day just alying in the sun, reading. And talking to grandmother and John. And eating.

Door of grandmother's summer hosue

In the afternoon we had a walk along the dirt road. Stopped to talk with some of the very few neighbors. Watching horses. Watching lambs. And some crazy Germans fishing.

Chie, John & grandmother John & a neighbor

In the evening we had dinner again. The jet lag kicked in around 9:30 pm and we went to bed.


Waking up at a hotel at Arlanda airport was a new experience. And it made us hungry.

After breakfast we got our rental car and speed away towards my grandmother’s summer house in Eh outside Kilafors. It took us 3 hours including a stop in Gävle to buy some groceries at ICA Maxi and some wine at Systembolaget.

The most amazing thing at Chie discovered at ICA Maxi. A wall full of scanners for customers to pick up and do self scanning of their groceries. So that paying at the cashier will be quicker and easier.

When we arrived at my grandmother’s summer house my father and his wife Eva and John was there as well. Big welcome committee.

Nielsen family

We talked and talked. And then we had dinner before my father and Eva went home to Gävle.

John & grandmother Eva, father & Chie

Then we talked some more before Chie and I dropped dead in the bed.

Leaving Japan for Sweden

Sony holiday and no workday today. Chie and I used it to go to Sweden. Our flight left Narita airport 11:15 am so we left home around 7 am and had breakfast on the Narita Express.

Chie at Shinagawa station

The flight were on time and we spent most of the time to Amsterdam watching movies and eating food.

In Amsterdam we spent 5 hours waiting on our flight to Stockholm doing shopping. Some YSL M7 to a friend in Tokyo. Some Toblerone. Some cosmetics. And so on, including dinner… A few times.

Chie at Amsterdam airport

Then a 2 hours ride to Stockholm. Picking up the bags and checking in at the SAS Radison hotel at the airport. We got the room farthest away on the 5th floor. When we finally reached the door at around midnight the key did not work.

So I had to go back to the reception. Get a new room. And then finally we could go to sleep.