My mother had her 60th birthday today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It was a bonus that we could celebrate it with her on our vacation trip to Europe. Since it was her birthday she could decide what to do and she wanted us all to go to Högbo Bruk. So we all went there, Robert riding with Chie and me in our rented Volvo S80 D5.
Once there we walked around in the quite nice weather. To Ulf’s delight they had a Hot Rod show there as well, though the rest of us walked around checking the handicraft and shops. We had a short stop at the glass designer as well, but he recently had a break in so there were almost no glass on display. And our timing was bad so we could not watch him make glass either 🙁 We had to sit down and rest after that surprise 😉

Once rested we continued to Björk & Berries, a Swedish brand that makes soap, lotion and the likes out of Swedish berries and flowers. All things are picked locally around Högbo and Gästrikland. Then it is shipped to France where it is made into perfume oils, and ends up in New York where the perfumer is mixing it into what becomes the flavors of the soaps and lotions in the shop. The soap and lotions are manufactured in Gothenburg.
After lunch at the Högbo Brukshotell we returned back to mo mother’s place in Valbo. There we prepared for dinner. My aunt and her husband were going to visit to celebrate my mother’s birthday. It was nice seeing them again after quite a while, unfortunately I missed one of my cuisines that had returned to Stockholm with her twin daughters just a few days before we came to Valbo.

She got many birthday gifts from all of us. And was quite happy for them 🙂