Business Trip to Lund

This week I have been on a business trip to our Lund office. I arrived on Monday night and went to the office on Tuesday morning.

On Tuesday night I joined some work colleagues from Lund for dinner at Gloria in Lund. It was fun to catch up with them.

Wednesday night I had dinner at Andreas home with his family Stina, Emil and Simon. It was yummy pasta on the menu. Again a lot if catch up and fun.

Today I will move from Lund to our Beijing office. Instead of waiting in Malmö before going to the airport for my 9pm flight I went to Copenhagen. Well, after a short stop at the airport to check in my bag.

In Copenhagen I did as a billion other people did… Walked along Ströget down to Nyhavn.


Most people seemed to stop at Nyhavn but I continues walking all the way to the Lille Havefrun. This time she was not on a business trip (last time she was in Shanghai for the World Exhibition).


On my way back from the Lille Havefrun I stopped at Andersen Bakery, just opposite the Copenhagen Central Station, for a late lunch. I had an Andersen Platte with typical Danish smörrebröd. It was delicious and I am still full.


Right now I am bone tired, waiting at the airport for my flight to depart. Hopefully I can sleep some on the flight and wake up in Beijing.

Business Trip to Sweden

This week I spent flying between Sweden and Japan. I also had time to some meetings at our Lund office, but it felt like a mostly traveled between time zones.

But I had time to meet some friends in the evenings for dinner. Josef and his family on Wednesday night, finished with a walk along the sea back to the hotel. Calle and his family on Thursday night, finished with a drive by Slatan’s house in Malmö.

Review of Piren Bar

Helena, as we talked about when we had dinner at Mäster Anders the other day, we promised to let you know how Piren Bar was after our visit there. For short, you do not need to visit!

The food is only OK, and you would expect something more for that price. The desert, a rhubarb pie with vanilla ice cream was a real disappointment – it was a rhubarb compote topped with pieces of cardamom rusk (kardemummaskorpor). Cold. I had expected a yummy hot delicious rhubarb pie directly from the oven with melting creamy vanilla ice cream on top.

  • View: 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
  • Location: 🙂 🙂
  • Food: 🙂 🙂 🙂
  • Service: 🙂 🙂 🙂
  • Overall: 🙂 🙂 🙂

We had a visit to Mancini at Tunnelgatan as well. It is in the same price range but much better experience, if you like Italian food. The food was excellent and you could feel the personnel loved Italian food and were proud of working at Mancini, whereas at Piren Bar the service was not bad but you felt the personnel did not really care if they worked there or at any other restaurant in Stockholm.

Piren Bar

Another long day of shopping and walking. We had lunch as a sushi restaurant in Hötorgshallen. Then we continued shopping again. We finally ended up buying another bag for me to carry all the things back to Tokyo 🙂

In the evening we made a quick visit to my old work place Eurostep. On our previous visit they had been conveniently located on Drottninggatan in the same building as Zara. But now they had moved to Alvik. Though this was not far away from the Piren Bar where we had a reservation at 6 pm. Eurostep’s new location though not convenient if you want to borrow the bathroom while shopping had a great view of the water. And a very nice and large balcony for the few warm summer days 🙂

At 6 pm we entered Piren Bar. They had mixed up my last name so we almost did not get a table (which was not easy to book in the first place). The whole thing with Piren Bar is their location. Along the water in Kristineberg. A great place to watch the sunset while having something to eat and drink. Though the eating and drinking is just so so (Helena, you really don’t need to go here for dinner – Mancini is almost the same price but lightyears better).

After dinner we hurried back to the hotel where we packed for our return to Tokyo the next day. By luck, once we had packed all our bags full, we found yet another shopping bag behind the curtain in our room. We squeezed the content into our bags, jumped on them and zipped them up 🙂 Good night!


Chie and I spent most of the day shopping. Robban (my brother) came down from Uppsala to have lunch at Vapiano.

After lunch Robban joined us for shopping. Though Chie did most of it while Robban and I talked 🙂 Later in the afternoon we were all tired and returned to our hotel for a drink. Chie had a beer while Robban had a mineral water and I a cup of tea. At 4 pm Robban had to get back to Uppsala to prepare for his 24 hours work shift the next day, starting at 8 am.

At 5:30 pm we met Jimmy and Emma in the hotel lobby. From there we walked to Mancini on Tunnelsgatan, about 50 meters from where Olof Palme was murdered in 1986.

The dinner was delicious :-P. The best during our vacation! We had two wonderful starters – parma ham and carpaccio. YUMMY!!!

Besides the dinner it was also fun to meet Jimmy and Emma again. They visited us during their honeymoon two years ago. When we were done eating we took a taxi back to our hotel as it had started to rain. We took some drinks at the hotel and talked some more before Emma’s father picked them up at 10:30 pm.