Walking & Playing with Coco

A weekend in Tokorozawa to walk and play with Coco. Mostly I was doing the walking with him and Chie was doing the playing.

Coco on a walk Chie and Coco playing


We spent a few days at Tokorozawa since it is the Silver week here in Japan. We spent it relaxing, walking with Coco, eating ice cream and hugging Coco.

Johan & Coco eating ice cream Coco & Chie

Playing with Coco

When we were not out walking with Coco or sleeping we were playing with him.

Coco & Chie Coco trying to catch some chocolate cake

Or just eating a yummy chocolate cake in his face. Sorry Coco but you cannot have human sweets.

Flowers of Tokorozawa

I have been reading some books on photography the last few weeks. So when going to Tokorozawa this weekend I brought the camera to try some new things. The circumstances were not the best since I had Coco on one hand and the camera in the other. And most books mentioned something about a tripod and always.

Yellow flower Purple flower
Pink flower Orange flower

But it was a overcast day and I found some nice flowers. And all books mentioned that overcast brings out the colors in flowers. And gives that soft light that makes the pictures nice.

Coco resting

Afterwards Coco was kind of tired. He rested on his favorite place. On top of Chie’s choulder in the reclining chair in the kitchen.

Coco – The “Very Special” Dog

Chie and I went to Yasaka for dinner today. As usual we talked about many different things while eating and relaxing. One of the subjects were Coco. When he was a puppy I was not in Japan more than on short vacations.

Chie and her mother wanted to teach Coco some manner so they brought him to a manner school. When they picked him up after a week they were greated by the principle of the school. She handed them Coco and said that Coco is a “very special” dog.

At first Chie and her mother were pleased. Coco was not only special but “very special”. It turned out that “very special” most often is not a positive adjective. It became obvious when the school refunded the tuition fee Chie had paid. And Coco continued to behave as the “very special” dog he is.

I laughed so much I almost dropped of the chair at Yasaka. It was like a Holywood movie. But for real. And both Chie and I agree that Coco is “very special”… And we LOVE him.